Funny Things My Kids Have Done... This Week! Vol. 5

This week has been slammed packed with... well stuff. This week the boys had their first, last baseball game of the season, William graduated from K4, and Wesley graduated from Kindergarten! Both of our kids are officially in grade school!!!img_9865Wesley is hiding a donut behind his back in the picture above. In the picture below, he's smiling funny, because he had stuffed that donut in his mouth.img_9867We couldn't be more proud of these guys. They are smart, they care about others and doing the right thing, they work really hard, and they play even harder!This week as I was cleaning up the boy's breakfast, I overhead a conversation between them. William was excited that his program was that night, and Wesley was telling him about his graduation the next morning. Wesley was going through everything he had practiced. "I wear a gown but not a girl dress. They call my name. I walk across the stage...Then they hand me my piloma."No, that wasn't a typo. And, I didn't correct him. It was too cute.img_9968This past Sunday was Mother's Day. It was a rainy, yucky day here, so we watched movies all day. When trying to pick out a family movie to watch, I suggested Wreck it Ralph. It's one I haven't seen before. William let us know he had seen it. So, I asked him to tell us what the movie is about.**SPOILER ALERT**"He wants a gold medal. He doesn't have a gold medal. Then he gets a gold medal."William has a summer birthday, so his awesome teachers celebrated his birthday this week at school. We have been so blessed to have the preschool teachers we have had at Calvary. It is sad that this is actually our final month with them!img_9868Today, on the way home, our windows were down in the car. We were at a stop light, and a young lady was smoking in the car next to us. Her window was half down.William decided to loudly tell me that the girl was smoking in her car and that was dangerous and she was going to die. Silence...She looked right at us. I know she heard. But, what was I supposed to say?! He wasn't wrong.Kids will keep you on your toes for sure.Don't forget to read the Funny Things post from last week here!Here's some pics from the week!  

Funny Things My Kids Have Done... This Week! Vol. 6


10 Simple and Fun Ways to Spend Time with your Family